To request a locate, Dial 811 or submit your request ONLINE.

What Happens After the Ticket Request?

  1. Keep the ticket number you receive from Dig Line. This is your proof you have called in. You have 10 working days from the day you called to complete your project. If you get delayed and it is longer than 3 weeks, call to have your request updated.
  2. After you have made the call requesting the markings, a ticket order is sent to all member utilities of Dig Line.
  3. The employees or their locating company will be painting or flagging their utility lines on the ground. They have 2 business days to complete your request. So please PLAN AHEAD!
  4. Depending on the location of your dig site each notified utility will mark in a water-soluble paint in their designated color:marking underground utilities

Get to know Digline's NEW Exactix Mobile Ticket Entry by logging into Digline's Exactix portal via your mobile device. Exactix Mobile Help Guides are available Here.